
WCSPA is very proud of the thousands of students that have gone on to great success in education, medicine, philanthropy, management, law, business and virtually every other field in our society in addition to the many that are pursuing careers in the theatre arts.

Once a WCSPA student, you are forever family. We are fortunate to have the continued support of alumni at theatre productions throughout the year. Many alumni come back and volunteer their services and new found creative skills with our students and staff. Some alumni offer advice to current students through phone interviews, Zoom Calls or guest workshops. Over the years WCSPA has created a strong culture of giving back as well as paying it forward.

If you are alum that would like to stay connected. We encourage you to become a member of our Facebook page for WCSPA Alumni. Also, you can still get our virtual newsletters and updates by joining our Constant Contact mailing list. Click here to JOIN NOW!

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